martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

The Outsider... yet again

While its not very surprising that while living in a foreign country, I have felt like an outsider, I have realized it has even come to the point of me being an outsider of my own country.

A few weeks ago I went to this "trendy" party with all of Santiago's A list. Now to me, an A list Chilean Farandula member who has their own teleserie or does whatever might as well be any other person walking down the street. And I really dont care. When I've come across "stars" in the US I've gotten that whole Star sensation, but with these Chilean "stars" I really could care less. Of course, the boyfriend already knows everyone, and makes me go up and talk to his childhood idol, some lady I dont remember the name of. He was so excited and I was soo.... ready to go home. I felt totally out of the loop.

When I talk to my friends in the US music and TV will come up, and of course I have NO idea what they are talking about. I am going to be stuck in 2004 for ever when it comes to US pop culture. To me Greys Anatomy and that Damian Marley CD will be the trendiest things around. But, did you know that there is a new 90210 show? And that the Pussy Cat Dolls make songs that are on the radio? Ya, well I had no idea. And I dont especially care. But, of course, it makes me feel like the outsider back in the US as well.

I will just have to enjoy my own little land somewhere between US 2004 and Chile 2008....

2 comentarios:

Mamacita Chilena dijo...

The whole Chilean farandula thing is weird just because the stars are so accessible. I seem someone "famous" on a weekly basis just walking around Providencia, so it's not like they're off in their own little A-list world like the way they're sheltered off in the U.S.

Poofbegone dijo...

Well, I was always out of the loop even when I was IN the US. I could give a rat's ass about pop culture for the most part... well at least the parts that pertain to shows and news that don't interest me. I guess if you have a TV you can't help but watching trivial programs. Having no TV for the past 6 years of my life has kept me way out of the loop although I do enjoy some TV series on DVD.